Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need 2 for nightfall message for inv gt same as above
Need 2 GT same
If you need one for nightfall invite me Lt Absul
284 titan lfg message or Inv c drew I know what's up w nf.
Need 2 for nightfall . msg NATiVE HAbiTz for inv
Need 1 for nightfall message for inv gt same
301 hunter looking to run nightfall. Message or inv gt same as above
Need 2 for nightfall message for invite Gt:Vict0rBeast
Need 1 for fresh nightfall, leave GT 280 light + only
Need 1 for fresh nightfall. Msg gt TKNIBBS for inv
298 lock lf oryx only
Need one for nightfall. At the bosses. Will be willing it 2 more times after. Gt same as above. Message me if interested.
Need one for nightfall. At the bosses. Will be willing it 2 more times after. Gt same as above. Message me if interested.
Edited by SooRetroo: 11/17/2015 6:09:27 AMNeed1 message for inv
Need 1 at boss 300+ message MIDWEST ROACH for invite
Need 2 for nf message me for inv gt: Vict0rBeast
312 warlock looking for 2 for nightfall, msg BloodyKnucklez1
307 Titan looking for two for nightfall. Message Laotiankid
Looking to join the best team around. If that's you help me go flawless! Invite shane1733
Could use some help with VoG for the No time to explain quest. Gamer tag same as name, message me for an invite!
Need 1 for nf message its just king for inv already started
Need one at boss, gt the same
Need 1 at boss already
Need 2 for NF
need 1
Hosting NF Need 1 300+ Kirigaya Senpai