Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Hosting NF Need 1 300+ Kirigaya Senpai
need 2 . inv
Need 2 for nf... 312 titan here... the o in my gt is a zero
Need two for the nightfall. I'm a 312 hunter. Please be 305+
Need one GT Same as above
Message Brandon Naassty for inv
292 titan need 2 for nightfall gt: AARCH69
Need 2 guardians that are willing to do NF 3x. Msg me for an invite GT: Dream Of Kanade
312 hunter Nightfall Invite me GT tacocat77
Need 2 message me for inv gt: Vict0rBeast
Need 2 for Nightfall. Msg me for invite. Gt: New Chucks
Lvl 40 Hunter 300 light Looking for NF GT zoohu
Need two for nightfall, no mic needed
Looking for a clan? Join Aero. We play COD, GTA, and Destiny. [u][b]BTW THIS ISNT MY ACCOUNT MY GT IS Aero Reaperr[/b][/u] Destiny Clan - https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/1066242 GTA V Crew - http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/aero_sniping
Need 2 for NF, I'm a 316 Titan msg me for an invite. I'm also not using my mic. So if you don't have a mic then that's ok too. Msg me on xbox GT: Dream Of Kanade
315 warlock looking for weekly nightfall xbox one gt GZA 036
Need one more for nightfall message me for invite
Need one for nightfalls. 312 hunter and 300 titan. Message gangstarr007 on xb1 for invite
Doing the NF, I'm a 316 Titan msg me for an invite. I'm also not using my mic. So if you don't have a mic then that's ok too. Msg me on xbox GT: Dream Of Kanade
Need one for blood in the garden for ntte. Gt^ message for invite.
need one more nightfall gt is same
Need 2 for nightfall gt same as above message in game
Just started nf. Msg for inv. Gt the same.
308 hunter looking for nightfall
298 hunter lfg for nightfall invite gt is name
Hosting two spots open message hayzerrrr for invite