Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
316 titan for nightfall gt above^
312 warlock lookin to run nightfall need 2 to start
Need 1
Need one for nightfall gt same as above
Need 1 more 300+, msg ingame
I'm at the bosses, soloed up to this point, need at least one person msg me for invite gt krzychild00
Need team 315 hunter message for inv please
Need 1 at boss GT hoveringYayo
Message me for nightfall gt the same
307 hunter inviting people for nightfall. Send me a message and I'll invite you. GT: KingJose214
299 lok with T.O.M in nightfall solo I'm up to land tank I need help Heartsorelion11
Looking 1 more for a nightfall run. Im running a 313 titan. GT same as above.
Need 2 for nightfall im a 315 warlcok gt.same.as name
Need 1 at the end. Sunslinger warlock Msg gt same as above^^
Need 2 for nightfall msg ciderreds86 with light level
Need 1 for nf. Msg for invite
Hunter looking to run nightfall invite me gt same as above
301 nightstalker hunter looking for group, maxed out Hung Jury. Send inv to Vapezooka plz.
298 warlock. Looking to join a group
Looking for two for nightfall I'm 310 Titan Gt gazz542
313'Titan looking for nightfall
Need one for night fall at the boss Gt same
310 Titan looking to do nightfall Looking for a team of two Message or invite
291 warlock lf nightfall
Level 298 warlock. Looking for a group to join.
Need one for nightfall message me in game 303 Hunter. Gt. Leastz