Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Looking for a team to run a couple of Nightfalls Gt same as above
Need two for nightfall message HilltopMERC for invite
im 312 Need 1 more person for nightfall must 300+ message me for party and game invite at XXFancykillaXX
im 312 Need 1 more person for nightfall must 300+ message me for party and game invite at XXFancykillaXX
im 312 Need 1 more person for nightfall must 300+ message me for party and game invite at XXFancykillaXX
Xbox one GT: yungfocus86 Nightfall, Invite plz (no mic for the moment)
314 Hunter lf nf send invite plz
Need 2 for nf 315 warlock gt same
Need 1 for nf message GT above for inv
im 312 Need 1 more person for nightfall must 300+ message me for party and game invite at XXFancykillaXX
im 312 Need 1 more person for nightfall must 300+ message me for party and game invite at XXFancykillaXX
Need 1 gt above
im 312 Need 1 more person for nightfall must 300+ message me for party and game invite at XXFancykillaXX
Looking for 2 to do the NF. GT same as above
Need one for nightfall 300+ Gt: LeakProofSmile
Need 2 +290 for nf. Message me for invite. Gt as above.
Need 2 for nf 315 warlock gt same
Need 2 for nightfall No mic or light level needed GT same as above message for inv
Need two for nightfall gt same as above
Need 2 300+ for NF and some weekly heroics, message for inv GT: CRAZENDRIX
Need 2 for nf 315 warlock gt same
At brothers need 1.
invite for nf
315 warlock for nf
311 titan lf nf group
315 warlock for nf