Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Edited by FloridaMan2993: 11/14/2015 4:15:55 AMNeed one for boss msg G1 Skyfire
Need one for jolly holiday. Messege for invite.
Need 1 for nf. Msg me on xb1
Need to run nightfall x 2. Message GT above for invite l.
293 titan lf weekly nf inv Sokin88
*308 Light Lvl. Titan Need 2 more for [NiGHTFALL] Msg GT: youcantseeme718 [XBOX ONE]
*308 Light Lvl. Titan Need 2 more for [NiGHTFALL] Msg GT: youcantseeme718 [XBOX ONE]
Need one for nightfall. Message me for invite. GT: Freetheplatypus
300 warlock lfg nightfall. Inv philster16
296 Titan. Need 2, or join a group, for Nightfall. GT: PLCorsair Message on XB1 or invite.
302 titan looking for nightfall. GT SkullKrakr
Need 3 for nightfall
Willing to help with nightfall. Inv lazyballer7
Brothers check point. Need one experienced with mic. GT: darkassassinone
313 lock for nf invite gt technofeaver
Edited by Sleaz0id: 11/14/2015 2:46:26 AM277 lock n 296 hunter lookin for one more for nf At the boss!! Gt-sleaz0id Xbox one
Looking for group 299 titam
Need one. At bosses.
Two already in strike... need third... Message ValiantEffort for invite
Lf 1 more
Need 2 for nf 314 hunter msg in game for invite
277 lock n 296 hunter lookin for one more for nf Gt-sleaz0id Xbox one
Need 2 290+ for nightfall message: faithlessdemon for an invite (wont respond to replys here)
Need 2 290+ for nightfall message: faithlessdemon for an invite (wont respond to replys here)
Looking for 1. At boss now. GT above, msg for invite
Need two for nightfall 296 Hunter be 295+