Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need two for nightfall 296 Hunter be 295+
Have 2 need one more message Art9278 for invite
Looking for 2 for nightfall
277 lock n 296 hunter lookin for one more for nf Gt-sleaz0id Xbox one
Need 2 290+ for nightfall message: faithlessdemon for an invite (wont respond to replys here)
Need 2 290+ for nightfall message: faithlessdemon for an invite (wont respond to replys here)
At boss. Need 2. Gt same as above.
At brothers and need 2. MSG me for an inv. Gt as above. Cheers
Need 1 for nightfall msg me on Xbox Gt: Diviine Kaoz Must me: *280+ light level *mic is not necessary
Looking for 1 message gt legomasterjtd
277 lock n 296 hunter lookin for one more for nf Gt-sleaz0id Xbox one
Need 1 for nf, gt MUSCLEINI
Looking for 2 more for nightfall. Running a 312 warlock. GT same as above.
316 Hunter Need 2 for 3 characters for nightfall message MeigHEM for inv on xb1
Need 2 for nightfall msg me on Xbox Gt: Diviine Kaoz Must me: *280+ light level *mic is not necessary
Need 2 for nightfall GT same as above message in game
Need 1 for nf. Gt: GneticBstLobsta
315 hunter looking to do a nf, message X9XTailsX for invite
306 titan lookiing to do nightfall mag or inv gooseeyy94
Nightfall need 2 no kids mic optional
Lvl 298 warlock lfg to join for nightfall SEND INVITE to gt above thanks
Looking for two for nightfall hunter 293
Need 1 for nightfall at the last boss Message hideawayfoxes
315 hunter looking for 2 for nightfall, message X9XTailsX for invite
Anybody wanna do the nightfall
Need 2 for nightfall MSG SKILLSDATKILLZ1