Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need one at brothers 300 plus with a Adam's apple gt above
Need 1 NF at boss gt kiayton bigsby
Need one for nightfall. Msg Rawwdawg23
315 and 316 need 1 msg techkneeque
Need one for nightfall Gt William9906
At boss need 1 or 2
314 warlock for NF inv
Looking to do nightfall for calcified fragment 300 hunter Gt is ApeX T3mP3rZ
Looking to do NFL msg or invite gt above
Need one for nightfall msg me for invite
Need one for nightfall
316 warlock need 1 more for the nightfall 312+ pls Msg for INV Xschmoozex
Need one for nightfall. Xbox one KOI GOLDFISH
313 Hunter lfg
Looking for team to do nf with msg gt above for inv
Need 2 for nightfall gt same
Need two for nightfall msg me for invite
Need one message for inv gt Michalo13
312 Titan for nf
315 light looking for team to do nightfall with,msg gt above for inv
Fresh NF, Titan 301 need 2 people with mic Send message on XOne for Invite
Nightfall, Lf team or message for invite
LFG nightfall 296 hunter. Experienced. Have mic
I'm a 312 Titan need two for two nightfalls gt above
Need 1 more 300+ for nightfall Im boss fight message oo NLC oo for invite
312 warlock lf nightfall. Inv:omnigun