Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need one more for the nightfall. Msg me for invite. GT same as name.
Need 2 for nightfall I'm a 316 warlock mssg XBlack Reaper0 for inv
Need 2 for nightfall 315 Warlock message Frostbite X7 for invite
Looking for nf gt same as above
Msg mubby06 for invite to do nf on brothers cp only need 1 more
Need group for nf. 304 Hunter, been trying to find people for a good hour. Just wanna run through it real quick. GT is same, message me if you need one or want me to help.
Need 2 for nf I'm 316
Need 2 for nightfall msg MystaMysterio with lvl and class for invite
Need help for sleeper stimulant strike send message for invite
Hunter 298 No mic right now Gt as above
304 hunter looking for a nightfall run. message lost senses.
Need 1 for nightfall gt: TheEcchiMango
301 warlock looking for one more guardian to do new method for exotic engrams farming with 3 of coins, message gamer tag for invite
Need 2 for nightfall. Gt same as above.
Lf2 for NF message ia nightcrawler
301 warlock looking for one more guardian to do new method for exotic engrams farming with 3 of coins, message gamer tag for invite
295 warlock Looking to do nightfall Invite Zbrems2
304 hunter looking for a nightfall run. message lost senses
At brothers cp need one for nightfall send msg for invite gt same as above
Lf2 for NF message ia nightcrawler
Need one more for nightfall
Need 2 for NF, no mic needed so msg TheRoyalOne09 for an inv
315 hunter for NF Inv TINMAN357
Edited by vanagandr175r: 11/13/2015 1:39:27 AM285 titan looking for nf send inv please. Gt vanagandr175r
At the end message for inv
Looking for 2 people for NF, no mic needed so msg TheRoyalOne09 for an invite