Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Message pyrx76 for an invite to nightfall
Need 1 for nightfall already started. Message dropnham513
Need 1 for nf already started Message chaazzah for an inv
Need 2 for nightfall msg gt xFIDEL CASTR0x with a zero
Need 1 for nightfall. Message for invite. 300+
Need 2 for nightfall msg gt xFIDEL CASTR0x with a zero
292 warlock for Nightfall Invite "Mobius 7117"
Need 2 for nightfall msg gt xFIDEL CASTR0x with a zero
Looking for night fall Send invite Ancient of day
307 lock looking for NF ft invite ^^ gt same as above
315 Titan looking for nightfall
Looking for 2 players for the nightfall. I'm light 310. Message my gamertag for invite: Awoken Walker No headset required. Just a fast run hopefully
307 Hunter looking for nightfall. Gt same as above.
307 lock needs invite gt^^^^
Message for inv
307 warlock invite g1ryde
Need ONE more for nightfall. Message VIP APEX for invite
Got two, need one more for nightfall. Gt ucbsupafly
Need 2 for nightfall. Msg NATiVE HAbiTz for inv
313 LL warlock LF nightfall Invite gt Silahsor
305 looking for NF foenix of fear
Need 2 for nightfall msg gt xFIDEL CASTR0x with a zero
GT: youngfocus86 (Xbox one) Anyone need an extra person for nightfall? Send a invite plz and sorry no mic at this moment, thanks
Need 1 for nf msg i3ro1y for inv
310 warlock looking for nf
Need 2 for NF. Message on xbone for inv