Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need one for nightfall send message for invite
309 warlock lfg gt same
Need 2 for NF message on xb1 or just join
303 warlock for nightfall
Need 1 for check point at the end of the nightfall message coolestever55 for an invite
Need 1 at boss gt same
Lf fr nf Msg or Inv qmfh
Lvl 305 Hunter looking for 2 300+ for the nightfall send message for invite thanks
311 warlock need 2 for nightfall. GT Thehillman8er
Lvl 305 Hunter looking for 2 300+ for the nightfall send message for invite thanks
Need one more message for invite
1 for NF, half done
Need 1 we are at the bosses, both over 305 light. Message CagyAnimal for invite.
Need 2 for nf
Need 2 for nf. At brothers. Msg for inv
315 Warlock Looking for 2 capable people 305+ Let's get this done quick... Message for invite (include lvl and class)
Would like some help on my first nightfall I have my mic light level is 290 GT- Zaconious XB1 MSG please
Need 1 more At boss msg for inv Gt same
Edited by pullups72: 11/12/2015 1:23:20 AMNeed 1 for nightfall at boss gt same.
Need one more light 290+ Already at boss cp Gt: mek0s msg me on xbox for inv
310 warlock with spindle for nightfall Gt: sauciestcat007
Lf fr nf Msg or Inv qmfh
Need one at brothers checkpoint message zupok412 310+ please
Edited by LeadDragonUSA: 11/11/2015 10:59:15 PMNeed 2 310+ for night fall gt same as above
Looking for 2 people to do nightfalls message me for invite gt same as above
Need 2 for nightfall. Must be above 295 light. Message XxGRAV3xR3APERX for INV