Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need 2 for NF. Message on xbone for inv
Need 2 for nightfall. Msg NATiVE HAbiTz for inv
315 titan looking to do nf Gt: wovg commander
312 titan lf nf
Need 1 4 nf.gt sane
297 Titan ready to go GT volfen soldier
315 Warlock looking for Nightfall, invite Zukazan
Need one GT same
Need 1 @ nf.gt same
306 for NF foenix of fear
One for NF GT same
Looking for one more for nightfall GT: Lord Perez III message me please!
Need two no mic message Gamer T9X for inv
Need two for NF, 296 Warlock. At Gravity Lift. Message for invite. GT same as above.
Need 1 message gt blaze shots 2
288 Titan exp for weekly gt as above
313 warlock looking for a group of cool chill dudes to do nightfall. By cool and chill I don't mean stoners or people blowing their vaporizers in their mic Invite.
304 Titan sunbreaker or defender
Nightfall Need 2 Msg ian827 for invite
Inv me for nightfall. 308 Titan. Gt: the most epic
Need one for Nightfall. Message PLCorsair for invite.
314 Titan looking for nightfall. Invite Zukazan
In the middle of the nf. Message me for inv. Im solo so can take two!
Looking to run nightfalls.. I got 2 to run but u don't have to run all 2.. Please be 300+ and know what ur doing.. No squekers.. Message for invite GT same..
Warlock 315 Looking for nightfall GT hopping rabbit
Staring nightfall fresh msg me Xbox one need 2