Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Need two msg invite kckiller31
need 2 message bigscoot88
Need 2 305+ already started it msg omg LtZ godlike
Need 1 for nf
Need 2 for nightfall message eaglemonster4 for inv
Looking for group starting fresh. 311 hunter.
298 titan for nf Msg or invite El Chiefo Rollo
Need 1 for nf. Final boss. Gt vlad0s
Need one for nightfall. We are both 295+. Msg on Xbox for invite
Looking for two for nightfall, do not need mic, 295+ quick run, message prometheus x1 for invite.
310 titan looking for two players to do nightfall
298 light warlock KamakaziCobra add me
Need one for night fall
Message xSwaine for inv or inv me for NF
Can I have a invite am a hunter light 298
- Xbox one - Gamer tag: LND Aaron Message me or invite me on Xbox one
314 lock for nf
At the boss need 1 to help. Msg rooster 10k on Xbox for invite.
301 Titan Need 2 Gt - Sepcookie
Need 2 for nightfall
Need two for NF at the brothers now
301 Titan Need 2 Gt - Sepcookie
313 Titan looking for 2 members for weekly nightfall, must have 3 characters to do it on, message me Xbox One GT: x Rickell
312 Titan looking for 2 members for weekly nightfall, must have 3 characters to do it on, message me Xbox One GT: x Rickell
Im looking for 2 more players for nightfall, at the boss cp Hunter Lv 40, light 295 Gt BenedictWolf
Im a 315 titan gt same