Level 31 Hunter, Titan, and Warlock for Nightfall. Message or invite in game if interested. GT DrivableSnake61.
Im a 315 titan gt same
Need to do nf on all 3 characters. Need 2. GT same as name
Need one for nightfall in progress. Msg on Xbox for inv.
315 Hunter looking for 2 for nightfall.. I'm starting it now.. So shoot me a Message and I'll send invites.. 300+ light only.. Gt same as above
295 warlock looking for nf. Gt same as above
296 titan looking for nf send inv or messege!
314 warlock running NF. Msg in game for invite
Need 2 I'm a 312 Titan message for inv
310 titan looking for two players for nightfall
Need 2 for night fall 300+ I'm a 305 (307 Max) Titan message me for invite
301 warlock. GT is FlubberGlob. Need 2.
Need 2 for nf gt same as above
301 warlock. GT is FlubberGlob. Need 2. Xbox one.
314 Hunter already fighting final boss GT same as above
Need one for nf
303 Titan looking to run nf. Msg gt above. Thanks!
302 Hunter needing 2 for NF. Message for invite mic not required.
Starting fresh NF. Message me online. for invite.
need 1 for NF boss message TDrabek for inv
Need 2 for nf msg gt above
303 Titan looking to run nf. Invite gt above!
307 hunter. Invite to game. Gamertag is BiggNasty84
Looking to run nightfall 296 Hunter (alt) Plz inv: arrocha350z
300 warlock for nf Gt: KingWizard187
313 titan looking for nightfall gt same as above
Need 2 for nigthfall 300+ GT above