[u]Error[/u] [b][i]Searching for possible signal jammers...[/i][/b]
[spoiler]none are found[/spoiler] Really... You're freaking me out.
We do not detect any form of organic or synthetic signatures.
Oh yeah... Because I'm dead... Forgot about that part... Yeeeeaaaaaahh.....
We do not understand.
*points at fangs* More undead, but dead nonetheless
[b]Acknowledged[/b] *scans*
*keeps scanning* [b][i]Building consensus...[/i][/b]
*taps foot*
[b]Consensus Built.[/b]
[i]Standby...[/i] Scan successful. Added to database of [b]Organics.[/b]
Good. I felt discriminated against. *drinks from bottle*
We did not intend to cause you to feel discriminated.
Well you should obviously... 1. Hacked into Dojo Database 2. Gathered information on all members. 3. Introduce yourself, knowing most people and their status. 4. ??? 5. Profit.
Hacking into the system would've been taken as an act of aggression.
Not if you're sneaky enough. It's actually quite easy.
[b]Acknowledged.[/b] [b][i]Accessing data banks...[/i][/b]
There are about 500,000,000,000,000,000 back doors I have discovered so far.
50% complete . [b]Access achieved to files: Bios, Bank Accounts, internet, security protocols.[/b]
[b][i]Bypassing 50,000 firewalls...[/i][/b]
The last one is next to impossible, no back doors, no links, no access to code, nothing. No should know. I've stress tested it, made improvements, and made it hell to get through.