*Begins rigging all the dojo doorways with plastic rap and glue*
Hey ninja, you gotta check out this new rif--wait a minute... *tears down plastic wrap* Oh ho, you almost for me with-- *bear trap clenches down on my leg* Ahah! You got me! *laughing dissipates* ...someone call 911 .-.
*Rushes you to the Med-Bay* "We might have to amputate...."
Some people just want to watch the world burn...
*pokes doorway* This is 5 star defenses right here.. [spoiler]:3[/spoiler]
Hey ninja! What are you--- *walks into wrap. Falls down.* DAMNIT!
*walks (<_>) My face!!!
Damn it ninja....
Heh heh. You can't get me. I don't use doorways.
Good luck though.
You monster...