Greetings. Warrior.
What class of warrior are you?
*is confused at the question*
Low class, high class, elite....
High Class
*YOu are sudenly mowed down with Garlic gum that i shoot from my AC 130*
Aaaand now I smell like garlic... Crap.
*shoots at your mouth*
Edited by Sloob, Grinder of Balls: 4/1/2015 7:54:56 PMNOT GARLIC!!!! Oh wait. Nvmind. Vampires will stay away from me now.
we said no god mod, second its a Prank war nto a real combat,
Ah. In that case good b8. Good b8.
*Goes through bunkai portal to avoid*
*i welcome you in the other side of the protal with a fgarlic Pie to the face*
Wow. Thanks for that.
it was fro vex not you
Ah. I see.
God mod is not allowed
I'm not gonna say anything...