*pulls out a duranium Knife* ive studied About spartan Bak on mars specially how to kill them
*stabs an opening on the armor*
*fires magnum in the air* Someone help!!!
*cathces yoru hand before you shoot and breaks the Magnum* I always prefered the Old magnum models over that modern version(halo 4 old halo 5 new) *You know Durin hte Re unification wars i was serving as Chemical trooper for the MArs armada Lsot aa good firend to a Spartan. *takes out a Handcannon wth armro piercing rounds* Its time fro a payback *Somps breaking yoru shield* Now ask yoruself a question DId you make the correct choice? *spins the drum* Well did you?
I must save us... from [i]him.[/i]
*smiles* Betteer lcuk next time *exectues a shoot to the head*
(Final words) All hail.... the conquering.. her...o
*drops the revolver that in which can be read (FIght for what you beleive)* A promise is a promse Jackie *grabs locks DOg tags and wlaks away*
[spoiler]i was still H3ADSH0T! [/spoiler]
A spartan is a Spartan
*clutches chest * Im not dead yet fool.... *slowly gets up*
*grabs the gun and shoots you again*
Im not dying without my word!
*shoots your mouth*
*shoots your throat * Helmet... stupid!
*shoots you with DMR* Stay down!
*shoots you in the arm*
Is that all you got!? *pushes shotgun against your chest* I said, is that all you got!?!?
*shoots you with shotgun* Hmmm
-_- I wasn't giving it to you. *shoots clip into your gut*
I had one too... *jabs you with knife*
*grabs your wrist, takes knife, draws energy sword, stabs you in the gut*
*shoots you in the arm*
*continues beating you* IF YOU'RE WITH LOCKE, YOU'RE AGAINST ME!
This is a Halloween costume