[quote]Wow gay.[/quote] You go away, as well.
Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims........ Think about that
Hhhmmmm. Not true. Oklahoma City bomber? IRA? There are terrorists outside of groups affiliated with the Muslim brotherhood bud.
God Damn It must be fun being ignorant Here you go! This should cure you of ignorance http://www.globalresearch.ca/non-muslims-carried-out-more-than-90-of-all-terrorist-attacks-in-america/5333619
Thats obviously wrong. 92.8% are done by muslims. Case closed
It was a joke you boring cünt
Maybe you'd laugh at it better if you had a noose around your neck F[b]u[/b]cking Prick
That bolded "u" is pissing me off so much xD
It's to not get censored :P It pisses me off too