Gamer: wcarlson4696
Class: Titan LVL 13
Console: PS4
New to Destiny as of last week. Veteran of world of warcraft, played for years until it got boring and i bought a ps4. I'm not retarded, and the game is going fine by myself, I just think i'd have more fun playing with other people, tryna make some friends. HMU if you wanna level together or pvp, that was always my thing in WoW. Thanks, hope everyone is having fun!
Hell yea man add me I'm at work right now. I get off in about 4 hours so if you're on tonight we should play. Or I'll be on some tomorrow. Just add me and I'll ps message you!
Feel free to add me too, this game is so much more fun with friends. I just love taking a casual relaxed attitude; shooting up aliens whilst having a good laugh too and getting to know people. From the UK. Online most evenings in the week and from a littler earlier on the weekends! ^^