Let's face it, if the U.S. And Britain somehow got in a war, (not gonna happen), I'd put my money on America. Just saying. *error code 466-5848- I can't hear you over all this freedom*
Also, you know, America has the strongest military on earth by far.
Is say you'd be wrong. Britain has many more allies than the U.S.
What the heck has this post got to do with anything?
In the words of the not so sane Ayatollah "We would cherish that day....yes we would cherish that day very much" Good luck with Northern Ireland lads, we wait with bated breath.
[quote]I can't hear you over all this freedom*[/quote] Might want to get a doctor to look at that. Good job you've got free healthcare, amirite? ;)
Pretty much along the lines of "if you chuck enough shit at a wall, some of it will stick"
Not sure why you'd want to invade Britain, unless someone invented a way to turn rain water into fuel.
I believe a guy is Scotland did actually or was it Ireland. Well anyway a guy did it was brilliant!
Edited by Semperfi1999: 4/22/2015 3:59:47 PMWell first off.......its obvious considering our military dwarfs theirs...which makes sense due to the difference in the size of the countries. That being said I do think Britain would do a good job on their initial defense and making it a costly war but it would be impossible for them to actually win. At best they could force mutual destruction due to nuclear weapons. That being said I also agree with what some of the people, who appear to be British by their comments, regarding America's "freedom". We used to have the most freedom in our country but that has gone by the wayside as people continue to vote politicians in who believe that perceived security is more important that freedom. That's why we have grown men legally groping young children and harassing grandmas because those are the most likely people to bring a bomb onto a plane........BTW this was just one of the more obviously idiotic examples of this consistent decline in American freedom. These days if you decide you want to carry 10K around in cash then a police officer can legally take it from you and claim it is drug money. It will then take you twice as much money in legal fees to attempt to get that money back. And finally the government has decided that you are too stupid to care for yourself and they will now force you to purchase healthcare because you cannot make your own financial and risk assessment decision in how you want to live your life. Does this sound like freedom to you? BTW the first thing I do when I find out I am raiding with someone who has a british accent.....ask them to say aluminum. :P
I ask them to say gas because I know they will say petrol.lol
Impossible is a word people made up to describe their own failure. We held the might of [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] Germany from these shore with little more than dark curtains and a few pilots mate. Anything is possible. Would you have said it was possible America to lose the war in Vietnam?
Yes because the politicians were the ones attempting to wage that war. IE they did not let the generals actually decide much they instead debated in congress over what military targets to attack. While congress should be the ones to declare war they should not be the ones to wage and direct it........that's for the generals to do. That being said the germans did not outnumber you in the way that the American force outnumbers you. Plus the technology at the time was much less advanced. This made it more difficult for the Germans to wage the kind of war they wanted on Britain. Your infantry men...navy....pilots....they have all have to pull 20 -1 kill ratios 100% of the time if you were wanting to take on America's active military (this would be your entire military including reserves). Basically its an incredible long shot to say no doubt Britain would hold her ground through the entire war. Eventually you have to deal with the fact that you are vastly outnumbered. You cant say 1 country has more tech than the other......or more training than the other.......aircraft carriers have completely changed that way wars can be waged against island nations these days............basically it would take an act of God (or idiotic politicians) for America to lose. That being said...its still just a mental exercise as I cant imagine what would have to happen for these two countries to start fighting after being allies are such a long period of time. P.S. If you want to talk about tenacity what about a ragtag militia of men vastly out numbered, out gunned, and out trained taking on a military force and eventually forcing their surrender with some naval help from france (since there was basically no navy yet). :P
It's aluminium dammit.
every time I hear that it makes me smile.....don't know why but it does.
Edited by Ba7chy90: 4/22/2015 4:12:54 PM
Well you edited your remark so I don't know what it said other than "size means nothing". By size I was referring to the size of a military that would be needed to defend a larger country is a significant factor. considering the rough total might of the English infantry is about 300K (with reservists) and the US's is about 1.4 mill if the US put their whole might against Britain they would have to kill 5 of our infantry for every one of theirs....and that just for our active duty. Needless to say this would not happen though as both countries really have no reason to fight one another. Other than our initial feud during the revolution and a few years later our countries have been allies for over a century now.
I wouldnt be so sure that Britain would be so easily crushed: we have Scottish people. Even the Roman Empire at its peak took one look at them, said "-blam!- that" and built two country spanning walls to keep em at bay XD
Wasn't that more due to smell? ;p The day that America sees a Scotsman with a runeblade riding on the wing of a jet to attack an aircraft carrier is the day I will admit we have been defeated..........
No it was due to the fact that their hard bastards. The only reason England dicked on them was because we had cannon and guns and they, er, didnt. Now they have guns and all sorts. God help us all.
I believe a couple military drops of ale, whisky, and scotch will give us enough time to do what we need to do......
Alcohol just gets em going. Its the Irish you'd foil that way. God invented Whisky to keep the Irish from ruling the world after all... ;)
Haha never mind, was gunna put a remark about size and refer it to Vietnam. Then decided I couldn't be assed causing an argument so changed it
True words...semper fi 04-14
America made plans years ago for an invasion of the UK. They realised it would never be successful. So the invaded culturally instead.
I think by sheer weight of numbers and equipment you'd do us over. But with our expertise and attitude we'd make it very, very miserable for a very, very long time for your military