Just another question for you to think of.
Ran dragon strikes farming for another hopscotch pilgrim, & this a$$ma++ of a squadmember kept rushing fwd & dying incessantly like a ww2 Axis Powers infantryman. Got to the point l had to message him/her/it "really? R u trolling? No one can be that bad at this game"
i lost in skirmish and i got 35 kills
These two ransoms I'm with right now in ROC strike. No mics. Tried messaging em to tell em where is best to stand, but no answer. Bleh.
When they get a perfect 0.0 k/d and have 22 deaths it's pretty bad
Had a dude constantly try to shotgun span mcdickface last time it was a weekly... His buddy who was the 3rd person in the group kept trying to revive him..