Just as it says why? Do people not remember beating this thing with 29s?
Do people not understand a 30 does the same damage as a 32? In VOG
And before you look, i have 3 32s i just laugh at people not letting 30s or even 29s into vog hard....
Get good.
Edit: Okay right on. Glad most everyone agrees i just wasnt understanding the reasons
Edit 2: forgot to say yes first thing i mainly look at is whose got vog weapons. Then i ask if they have done it before lol.
Edit 3: if you ever need help with VOG or Crota. Or nightfalls add me Devohagen
Edit 4: so many replies. Wow. Thanks. Ive only argued a few replies so far lol.
Edit 5: 800 comments and trending! Seems to be people still unaware no extra damage by 32s in VOG is real. Thats too bad. I beat it today with 30s in the group in two portals...
Edit 6: all im saying is people kicking out the 29s 30s are the real scrubs and n00bs. The only people i struggle to play with are squeakers
Edit 7: if you think a 32 does more weapon damage then a 30 in vog you're a n00b and please just dont comment. Also wow 1000 replies.
Three 32s here. & I really don't care 29 or 30. Even if you a noob. VoG easy. The only time I kicked a person was when a 29 joined. & he was in the chat party I asked multiple times if he had better weapons didn't respond. So I gave him the boot cause he had that 1st auto rifle you get. Unleveled up 300 sniper rifle sitting at its base attack. And a rare rocket launcher. To me he was trolling so I gave him the boot.
At the end of the day, it is experience that really matters. I've played with some 32s that turned the raid into swipefest. It also comes down to skills. There's plenty of 32s that are not skilled. That being said, chances are that anyone 31+ has the experience and knowledge to go through the raids smoothly. Personally, I want someone that's actually ready for the raid. Hell, I didn't even go to hard raids until I maxed out my weapons, and had a solid oracle killer. I expect the same.
Sure it is silly, but don't you remember the first time VOG you wore an exotic helmet? So you were still level 30? With a LFG group you really wouldn't have more than 2 29s on your fireteam.
1626 defense is better than 15xx defense. That's the only legitimate answer to that question. Even then, the difference isn't that significant.
Why are so many people concerned about level these days? lvl > expd..... I'd take someone who's lvl 29 and has 2k+ grimmoire score than a lvl 32 with 1.5k. Sure you can farm vanguard gear and hit 31, that does not mean that you have more raid expd than lets say my 29 mule lock that I've been neglecting since release day. Also some people just hate the look of the CE gear (myself included) or their builds call for different stat rolls than what they got.
it's easy to do vog hard on level 28 and up. but the only problem is that people who were 29 when they did vog became 32 and 31 when crotas end came out. which made the people who never did raids a higher level like if they were level 20 they can easily go to level 28 39 30 and they don't know what to do in VOG so yeah. idk if this makes sense since I was kinda doing something else while posting this. I'm not saying all 28 39 30 doesn't low how to do raids but I'm saying most people don't know when they are that level since it is really easy to go level 32.
Edited by Riot: 4/2/2015 5:34:52 PMFor all those wanting maxed weapons: As a lvl 27, back when there was no TDB, and everyone was grinding, actually grinding, for level 30, I would use my best primary weapon, which was a rare hand cannon with 242 damage. The thing was just fine for VoG. You don't need the best guns in game to do normal mode. And I don't get the people that do 31+ Hard VoG either, it doesn't make sense. My old team ran it every week with two level 30's and four level 29's to start, until we all slowly got up to level 30. You don't need all 31+, the damage won't even make a difference past lvl 30. Some peoples .-.
I got in this argument last night with a group who criticized me for only being 31 (I wanted to use ruin wings). You stand over there and act superior while I save your ass. Watched my "pro 32" relic holder get eaten 3 times but I couldn't hold the relic because I was "only 31". People just don't get it, damage is the exact same it is capped at level 30. Defense is only a slight bit higher because of the 32 gear. Half tempted to just wear my VoG gear whenever I do it from now on.
Got a full set of vog gear to lvl up I'll be using that for now on:b
Because raiders are generally pricks and think they are the best in the game and expect everyone to be like them and have paid their dues like they did to get to that level. You can easily take 28-29 through VoG and not have problems if at least 3 people know what they are doing.
Because it usually means that a new level 30 doesn't have any weapons with 300 Attack. It's so easy to get to 31 with Vendors it means they are super newbs. Do you remember what it was like to carry a kid whose weapons were at 277? It was -blam!-ing terrible even on Normal mode
Hey. Remember those times we did VoG as 28's and 29's because that stupid helmet? People these days dont even understand.
Back in my day... Er what now.. Oh yes! Max level used to be 30, and that's all we had for V. O. what's it. We used to let 28s and 20 uh nines into our raid group as long as we had 4 30s to always run shield. Yes and we used to let 28s and 29s into our raid group as long as we had 4 30s to always run shield. And we used to let....
Because they suck
Because these people probably started playing in December or January, the rest of us completed VOG hard on 28 and 29.
Hey. Remember those times we did VoG as 28's and 29's because that stupid helmet? People these days dont even understand.
Because with vanguard gear you can get to 31. A level 30 just hasn't played enough. A sign that it is going to be a long raid....
I don't mind lower levels as long as they know what their doing. But Ffs a buddy asked me to help him get two 29's , a 27, and a 30 through easy templar because he kept enraging. Me and him are 32's and beat it first run with them but damn if they didn't all die at least 13 times. Pretty pathetic
Yeah .. same with nightfall posts.. I don't get it. Once I get the raiding for raid gear out of the way... I want to start a fireteam of raiding VoG in VoG gear only.. just for fun.
Honestly the max requirements for VoG should be: 30+ 300 VoC or Epilogue (or 331 Fusion Rifle/ 300 Corrective Measure / Super Good Advise as acceptable alternatives) Max Void Secondary or Heavy Asking for anything more is unnecessary. If all 6 have the above you'll clear it with ease, if not it's not due to your equipment.
it's a way of filtering out noobs noone should be doing a hard mode raid when they don't at the very least have a full set of vanguard gear
Joined in early November and by the time I got to a high enough level TDB was 2 weeks from release. In short, I've only completed VoG a handful of times. I believe only once or twice on hard. I have VoC and praedyths revenge. I try to convince my friends to run it with me. I think it's a little more fun than the Crota raid. When it comes to Atheon I think it requires much more teamwork than Crota. Everyone has an actual assignment as opposed to just sitting back rocketing Crota and hoping your sword bearer knows what he's doing.
Seriously, people are better off using maxed VoG armor for that raid because of perks, instead of using vanguard or even CE armor that does nothing extra when fighting vex
No offense, but it was a lot harder to reach level 30 back when the VoG first released than it is now. If you're not at least level 30, you should at least try VoG on normal and learn how to run the raid. Plus you will get better weapons on normal than what the Vanguard will sell anyway. I don't mind level 29's, but I've noticed those are the first ones to die because they don't know what they're doing in the first place.