I really want to get the Suros Regime, from what i have seen it looks like gun that fits my playstyle well, does great damage and fits well in the exotic category. So Guardians all i am asking is that you wish me luck on my endeavor to receive this weapon as i grind Vanguard strikes and in return i shall wish lend my strength to you. Especially those ho have been waiting diligently for Gjallohorn.
And i know that technically this won't increase my chances, but i like to believe it will.
The best way to acquire what eludes you the most is to be thankful for what you already have, congratulate what others manage to get and not let it get to you after the 100+ time it doesnt pop up. Also just imagine that the longer you go without, the better you become. So when you finnaly get what you want you may already say to yourself "I made it to the stars without it, now to the end of the universe."