[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Swordbearer looking for Crota normal or hard cp invite me maxed gally
I'm a level 31 hunter, Looking for fresh crota run or checkpoint. My gamer tag is Wolfs Dagger. (xbox one)
I have gorgon chest cp on hard GT same 30 and above only
Crota normal. Need people to help carry my secondary character thru. I'll do the same for you in return if you ever need it message Mrknuckleshucky for invite
Need a full raid team I am a 32 hunter message me for invite bamboo pandaz fresh run
Need 3 more for crota hard cp. Need a sword bearer
Level 31 hunter with hard Crota checkpoint need swordbearer and 32's
Looking to corta get jdogmx message for invite
Crotas end hard 32+ msg for invite gt same as above need Gjally or hunger
32 only Need 3 Crota normal cp msg for inv gt same
32 only Need 4 Crota normal cp msg for inv gt same
Doing normal Crota from bridge checkpoint. Lvl 30+ msg me for inv GT StereoPsysh
Crota hard chkpt, message for invite
Hi everyone, I have started a new clan mainly for people in the UK on Xbox 360, available after 5pm GMT and at the weekends! We will hopefully get a good group of people together to do weekly's and raids! No experience needed we can help each other out and have fun mainly! The clan is called GMT Crew just search it on groups and make it your active clan! Feel free to add me on xbox 360 too! GT: ThaKingggg
Need 2 more for VoG normal at gatekeeper cp Lvl 30+ only
Xbox 360 Vog hard lvl 30+ templar cp gt: same as above
Need 3 people to do hard Crota co with us need people with ghorn or HOW. Msg for inv gt same as above
need 4 more for hard crota fresh gt same as name 32 only
Fresh hard Crota run Msg for inv gt same as above
Crota Fresh Hard Message me on 360 for invite. Gamertag: K8MS
Fresh hard Crota run Msg for inv gt same as above
Hard crota cp , need 4 , gally or hunger , need sword holder , lvl 32 only , Msg ZeK x SC0P3Zz
Crota cp hard ask 4 invite
Need 32 Titan with maxed defender and gally for crota hard message for invite
Crota checkpoint on hard. 32's only msg for inv gt same as user.
Templar cp vog hard. Be lvl. Gt same as above 30+ and have skill