[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Edited by TheAbsentFather: 5/3/2015 6:40:52 PMLFG Crota CP Hard 31 Warlock highly experienced GT: v Pandoric v
Need 4 for crota fresh normal 31+ swordbearer wanted and beed to no what there doing.xbox 360 msg me for inv gt same as above
Crotas End//Normal//Fresh//Message For Invite//Gt Same As Above//
Edited by Im Purifiedd: 5/3/2015 5:11:23 PMCrota hard cp. 32 need maxed galley and/ or maxed hunger msg for invite also need seordbearer gt same
Level 32 warlock looking for hard vog gt: same as above
Bridge cp easy. Msg CeCePo. I'm 32 Warlock
Need 4 people plus a swordbearer Crota cp on hard 32+
Need 1 Titan for hard Crota Crota cp. already have 5 32's with max ghorn
VOG NORMAL 27 and up RelativeAxe9527 Xbox 360
32 titan or warlock to help with normal crota can run sword
Need 2 for hard Crota. Deathsinger cp 32 only good rockets.
Crota cp hard need swordbearer and ppl with good rockets like Gally hoc truth or dragon breath or anything wit tracking msg for inv gt same
Hard Templar gt same
Need 32 Hunter swordbearer, on hard Croata cp msg Zeploid
Need swird man cortoa hard send msg for inv gt:intoxicate19
Need 3 crota hard. Gt same as above
Need 3 for Crota hard, Crota CP Must be 32 Must have tracking rockets must have EXP Message agblueman for invite
Atheon hard cp 31+ message "exotic thorn" for an invite.
Need 5 more people for a full iron banner group message same gt for invite
Need 4 for Crota Hard Fresh Level 32 only Titans and Warlocks needed Gt: same as above
Crota hard fresh will need a sword bearer 32s only message me for invite
Level 32 hunter master sword bearer. I can finish Crota with 2 swords every time. If you already have a sword bearer, I have every gun maxed out to down him super fast. Don't invite me; Send me a message over Xbox and I'll join you as soon as I'm free. I'm helping out as many people as I can tonight Gt: Presentplacebo I also have gorgon cp, send me a message of you want that, when I get a few people who message me about it I'll invite you all.
Crota cp on hard lvl 32 required need must have gally or hoc and I need an experienced sword bearer msg same gt for inv
Fresh hard corota must have tracking rocket msg me for inv gt:intoxicate19 experienced players please!
Need 3 for VoG hard gorgon cp must be 30+ and experienced with the relic or 31+ msg gt above for inv