[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Hard Crota checkpoint 32s only
32 Hunter [u]Looking To Do Normal Crota or Deathsinger Checkpoint[/u] [b]Great Sword Bearer[/b] [i]No Gally Or HoC Blame RNG not me[/i] Very experienced Gt Is Same As User *NOT HOSTING*
Hard Crota (Fresh cp) GT: Mythgasm Hard 32 only Gjallys are appreciated
Need group for iron banner message same gt for invite or invite me to your group
Doing Croat normal fresh msg 4 inv got is same as above
2 lvl 31-32 for Hard Crota cp. message me: gt same as above
Looking for someone to solo crota normal for me real quick. Gt is same as above^
Normal crota fresh on a mission for hunger the last raid weapon I need down to do more than once message gt: Cnok26 for invite
Crota bridge part. Lv 32 hard. Mic needed. Msg me only one needed
[u][b]Raid[/b][/u]: Crota's end [b][u]Difficulty[/u][/b]: Hard [b][u]Checkpoint[/u][/b]: Crota [u][b]Looking 4[/b][/u]: 4 people level 32 (only) [i][u][b]My stats [/b][/u][/i] Level: 32 Class: Titan Game style: Sword bearer Gt: Vinsia Message for invite ( On Xbox 360 ) Must have a mic
Need 4 for Crota on HARD MESSAGE GT:DRODE2
Need 1 crota cp hard gt same
Need 2 for hard gate keeper cp message YIMKSU for inv
Looking for 2 guys that want to do the nightfall I'm lvl 32 lubed up and ready to give it to omnigul msg i3ro1y for invite.
Looking for 5 to do a fresh crota run on normal need to be 30 and up I'm patient if your inexperienced and need to learn what your doing need at least two people with gally and a sword bearer. I'm a lvl 32 with maxed gally. Msg for invite GT same as above.
Hard Crota checkpoint! 32 only! We have Sword! Message StarCaptain55 for inv. Gally in not required, but preferred.
Hard gatekeeper need 3 gt is Tetra Grimm
Crota normal cp we most likely will have a lvl 31 hunter swordbearer so lvl 31+ with tacking rockets please message JimJim Gaming for inv
Crota normal cp we most likely will have a lvl 31 hunter swordbearer so lvl 31+ with tacking rockets please message JimJim Gaming for inv
Need 5 for crota hard cp. 32 only with good gear. Same GT.
Doing hard Crota fresh 32 only full gally or hunger need 4 more msg sm gt Xbox 360
Crota death singer normal cp Also planning on doing crota msg shade vg for inv
Crota normal cp we most likely will have a lvl 31 hunter swordbearer so lvl 31+ with tacking rockets please message JimJim Gaming for inv
Crota normal cp we most likely will have a lvl 31 hunter swordbearer so lvl 31+ with tacking rockets please message JimJim Gaming for inv
Need 2 people for Hard Crota fresh. 31+ but preferably 32. Message GT: Derpinal