[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Need 2 people for Hard Crota fresh. 31+ but preferably 32. Message GT: Derpinal
Need 5 ppl and swordbearer 31+ for Crotas end normal "fresh" mssge: Oreos are Bae for inv
Hard Crota cp You need tracking rockets and experience I need a swordbearer and warlocks with radiance. And a defender Titan Message gamer tag same as above
Crota on normal at death singer
Crota Fresh HARD Message me on Xbox Gamertag: K8MS
Normal Crota fresh 31+ with experience Need 4 Need swordbearer Gt same as above msg for inv
32 titan lkf crota normal. Have gally
Level32 Hunter Swordbearer with Gjallarhorn looking for a raid group message me same as my name on here
Need 5 more for fresh crotas end normal message for inv
Crota Fresh HARD Message me on Xbox Gamertag: Subtle Feeling
Need 4 32s to do fresh Crota msg me 4 inv gt:same as above
Need 5 for hard CE Crota cp Good rockets required 32s [b]ONLY[/b] Need Swordbearer Must have mic and experience with the raid Msg: [u][i]Zaykohh[/i][/u] for an invite
Looking for crota hard cp 32 hunter max gally I have experience and mic.
VoG Hard Fresh start. If interested message me. Same GT
Edited by Electric Wolf43: 5/1/2015 11:36:32 PMNeed 4 32s to do fresh Crota msg me 4 inv gt:same as above
32 hunter with max ghorn looking for hard Crota. Invite Bringmethybooty
I need someone with the gorgon chest cp gt is same send a message letting me know if you have it
Need 1 for normal fresh start crota need swordbearer please know what you are doing msg for invite gt above
I have a normal crota cp. Msg for invite
Invite gt above any raid
Hosting Hard Templar Cp must be 31+ to join and must also know how to use a relic and have gally/icebreaker message merlinn18 for an invite.
Vog gatekeeper Hard cp 31+ ask inv on xbox
doing crota norm fresh, same as above
NEED a normal Crota cp I am a 32 warlock with gally. Message merlinn18 if you have one.
lol 32 sword bearer looking for crota co normal
Crota death singer normal cp Also planning on doing crota msg shade vg for inv