[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Crotas end on hard fresh 32+ only Message MrLoonyPenguinn for invite
Need 3 for FRESH NORMAL CROTA SEND a sms for inv : Kalamiter 59
Need 4 + 1 good sword bearer for crota hard cp ( boss ) 32 only msg for inv gt talmaxs
Crota cp normal 30+ gt same
Xbox 360 hard crota cp Im a lvl 32 swordbearer Need 4 more players Lvl 32 only Gt same as above Must have mic State your lvl & character
Need 5 Lv 30+ (preferably with a good heavy rocket with tracking) for fresh crotas end on normal GT: same as above
Crota cp hard need 4, gjallahorns/HoC required unless your a good swordbearer Gt balist1c
Need four vog hard fresh 31+ need experience message tb2992 for an invite
Looking to join a hard crota cp. Level 32 Titan (have beaten over 10 times) ME720
Crota hard checkpoint. Please have gally. Message KroganRebel for invite.
Crota End Normal need 3 people msg Zhambezi for inv
Crotas end on hard fresh 32+ only Message MrLoonyPenguinn for invite
2 32s looking to join a team for Atheon cp
Xbox 360 hard crota cp Im a lvl 32 swordbearer Need 4 more players Lvl 32 only Gt same as above Must have mic State your lvl & character
Anyone inv me GT: Larpings Lvl 32 Titan Hunger not maxed
Need 1 for iron banner gt same as name x360
Hard gatekeeper CP, need people with experience and mic, message same as above for inv
Looking for 3 lvl 32 for hard Croat must have mic and g horn or hoc
31 warlock looking to do Crota normal from the start. I have a ghorn and raid experience. Invite GT Bringmethybooty. Let's get this done!
Need 1 more for HM Crota Message BlazingXGamer for invite 31+
Lvl 32 warlock looking to do crota or vog hardmode
Templar CP HARD Message me on Xbox Gamertag: K8MS
Msg: InTheLight316 Crota hard 32 only
Vog hard Atheon cp lvl 31+ please have good rocket gt same as above
Hard gatekeeper CP, need people with experience and mic, message same as above for inv
Need srowdbearer for crota hard we are starting fresh now gt same