[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Need srowdbearer for crota hard we are starting fresh now gt same
Crota hard cp please have gally or hungr
Need sword barrer for crota lvl 32
Crota fresh on normal
Need 3 for crota cp norm one needs to be sword guy msg cpt mcnuts
At bridge cp on normal looking for 4. I'm being carried on my lvl 27 hunter need people to help. GT same as above msg me for inv
Need one 32 with GHorn, any class, for fresh Crota's End normal. Please be experienced and have mic. Message BLTrev on 360 for inv.
Crota hard 32 only ask for invite
Willing to help someone with [b]Nightfall[/b] Gt same as above.
Fresh crota hard 31+ only HOC or Ghorn. Have raid exp gt same message on xbl for invite
Need 1 person for crota hard en cp 31+ need to no what your doing xbox 360 msg me for inv gt same as above
Normal fresh Crota. Message KroganRebel for invite.
Need 5 32s for [b][i][u]Hard Crota Cp[/u][/i][/b]. Have tracking rockets and know what you are doing. Swordbearer needed.
Need a sword bearer for crota cp on normal. Gt same as above.
Crota hard at Crota cp Lvl 32 with hoc or gally only Gt same as above 1 spot left
Need a Swordbearer 32 hunter for hard crota cp. GT same as above
32 hunter swordbearer looking to help anyone beat crota on normal mode. I also have a ghorn. GT: same as above
Hard Crota Cp Must Be 32 Have Hunger Or Gally Message JitterHype For Invite
Need 2 forCrota hard Crota co co 31+ message aAawarrior76 for inv
Two 32's here trying to do a VoG normal from Gatekeeper Msg for inv GT: same
Need 5 for fresh Crotas end on normal. Be 30+. Gt same as above
Hosting fresh VoG Hard mode. Please be 31+, experienced and have mic. Message BLTrev on 360 for inv.
Croat hard FRESH. Need 4 people 31+ only GT DankAutumn06693
Need 2 30+ ice breaker or hoc BH or Gally or p&t atheon hard then crota normal possibly crota hard after
Invite gt above any raid
Looking for vog hard hunter 32 gt talmaxs inv me