[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Looking for vog hard hunter 32 gt talmaxs inv me
Have crota cp on normal need 2 have sword bearer gt same as above
Crota hard checkpoint need sword bearer and my GT is VoRtEz sniper
I need 5 to do Corta end fresh raid on normal! Must be 30+ Msg me gt above
Need 2 32s one being sword bearer must have mic at hard Crota gt UnshapenJARED O
Vog hard mode have 3 need/looking for 3 msg me gt same as user name
Crota Normal Fresh Helping a homie Gt same is above.
Crota Normal Fresh Helping a homie Gt same is above.
Level 32 Warlock willing to help on any raid/checkpoint. Invite CrewcabangerDMR.
Crota hard need 4 people
Level 32 very skilled with sword willing to help witness hard crota gt same as above
Hard vog gatekeeper cp gt same message on xbl for invite
VOG Templar hard need 2 GT: same as above
Looking for 2 to finish Crota on normal. Currently at the bride. Gt same as here
Need one for crota cp on normal msg on xbox gt same
Need one for crota cp normal 31+ Msg XhockeystarX
Hosting Crotas End Normal Fresh. Dont care about your weapons or gear. Message for inv.
Crota hard cp need 5 32 gt same
Need 5 for fresh norm crota run
Need 3 normal Crota msg OncomingStorm8
Need swordbearer for hard crota cp Gt balist1c
Looking for 4 people to start at deathsinger and then kill crota on hard, I will hold sword , GT same as above, i do not have checkpoint and will start at crota if no one has deathsinger. Need to be 32 With ghorn or 331 tracking rocket
Need 1 more and sword bearer for NORM.CROTA.FRESH. Have mic, experience, & tracking rockets! Say if you're swordbearer or have a tracking rocket Send message to GT same^^^
Need 3 31+ and sword bearer for NORM.CROTA.FRESH. Have mic, experience, & tracking rockets! Dont just send me a message that says "invite"… Say if you're swordbearer or have a tracking rocket Send message to GT same^^^
Crota Normal w/ the Crota CP Level 31+ Must be Experienced Must have "Hunger of Crota" or "Gjallarhorn" Need Swordbearer Need 2 or 3 people GT: Applicationed
Looking for hard Crota I have cp and can run sword need to either join or make a team message in game