[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Crota hard fresh 32 ONLY [b]gamertag same as above[/b]
Crota hard fresh 32 ONLY [b]gamertag same as above[/b]
Need 4 for Crota fresh normal 31+ I'm swordbearer Don't be a squeaker and don't be a quitter Msg MtmanRABTKILRS
Lvl 30 hunter looking for bridge cp on normal or hard
Crota hard fresh 32 ONLY [b]gamertag same as above[/b]
Hosting death singers cp on hard me for inv same gt
Need people for Crotas end at crota 32 only gt is same send a message for an invite
Need 5 more for Crota's End hard fresh run lvl 32 only msg me for inv gt same as above
32 warlock hosting Crota hard fresh run we need a sword runner and solid rocket team to drop Crota message wastedtrooper83 on Xbox for game invite
Doing hard crota need 1 crota cp msg GT above
Need 5 more for Crota's End hard fresh run lvl 32 only msg me for inv gt same as above
Need 2 for Crota hard death singer check point msg for invite
Crota hard cp 32's only ghorn+swordbearer needed GT same as above
I need 3 31+ WARLOCK with self-res Gt same as above For hard bridge
Still swordbearing for normal gt same as above
Need 2 31+ for Templar hard, must have a gally/icebreaker and know how to use relic. Message merlinn18 for an invite.
Need 5 more people for hard mode crotas end. Crota checkpoint. Must have ghorn or hoc. Also have a mic. Message for invite. Also need swordbearer.
Hard at deathsinger and need 4 more people including sword bearer.HAVE TO BE 32! Message deadmou555 for invite
Crota hard cp 32's only ghorn+swordbearer needed GT same as above
Doing normal croata fresh need 5 31+ Message: Dead Reversed
Crotas end hard fresh message me for invite gt same as name 31+ only message saying level and character
31 hunter lf normal crota. Preferably bridge cp but will do fresh. Send inv gt same as above.
Hard crota cp. message for inv
[b]Crota HARD fresh run[/b] Msg GT: zanderspecies
Doing oracles on VoG Hard mode. Must be level 30 higher. Message UnbrokenSkull11 for a invite. Class: Titan Level: 32 Console: Xbox 360
Hosting crota hard. Shrieker hallway. Chest still available. Need 5 gaurdians. At least one swrd bearer. Tracking rockets needed. Wanting to beat crota.