[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Crota cp normal. Need 2 more. Preferably with HOC or gally
Need 2 more people for hard mode crotas end. Crota checkpoint. Must be 32 and have ghorn or hoc. Also have a mic. Message for invite.
Lvl 30+ vog hard Atheon cp message JimJim Gaming for inv
level 32 warlock looking for fresh crota hard team do have maxed ghorn very experienced invite or message gt SkiZoSeAn
31 warlock with truth looking for team to run crota normal. Gt is same as above.
Lvl 30+ vog hard gatekeeper cp message JimJim Gaming for inv
Need 3 lvl 32 to do Hard CE Crota cp message me for a invite GT: Zyr0h
Need swordbearer and one other for hard mode crotas end. Must be 32 and have ghorn or hunger of Crota. Also have a mic. Message for invite.
Hard Crota checkpoint level 32 gally. Message KroganRebel for invite.
My clan is currently recruiting new members. If you would like to join click the name in my profile. We are nice and friendly. We have multiple swordbearers and people who have gally. We raid weekly and have fun or talk about stuff. I hope you will join our clan or at least consider. Thx bye
Need 5 for normal crota cp Must be 31+ and have tracking rockets Msg xLEGITxDUBSTEPx for inv
Looking for Atheon cp on vog hard lvl 30 with maxed subclasses max Gally and black hammer inv JimJim Gaming
Anyone add me my gt is the same as above
Edited by MONEYxxMAKER: 4/29/2015 11:27:38 PMNeed 2 more ppl for crota hard fresh start but we just started if you want to join GT SAME AS ABOVE and must have tracking rocket and 32
Croat cp normal need sword bearer and 1 more person
Need 5 31+ for normal fresh crota Have good rockets Msg Ozy Monkey
Fresh vog lvl 28 or Higher gt same
Croats end normal fresh run. Great same as above in a 32 warlock
Hard Crota add Demarkcus
Need 3 for VoG hard confluxes. Must be level 30+ and must be experienced. Message on Xbox, GT: Ontrix
Hard Croat death singer message me for inv Gt:scorn dragon190
Need 3 for VoG hard fresh run. Must be level 30+ and must be experienced. Message on Xbox, GT: Ontrix
Need two or three for hard crota cp must be level 32
Need galy for Croat hard cp 31 or up
Doing normal crota fresh start if you want to join me. Message me for invite.