[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Need 2 more for hard Crota cp. msg me for invite
Edited by •Foxy_LB: 4/27/2015 6:15:14 AMNvrmnd
Need 2 for crota cp hard swordbearer needed
need 4 for crota hard cp, msg SUPREMExKILLAH for invite
Need a Good sword bearer for Crota normal and gt is same as above
Lv 32 warlock looking to do crota normal
Trying to do nightfall, level 31 hunter, message gt above to join
[quote]Crota hard cp send message on lvl and class[/quote]
Need 5 for crota hard, experienced GT: Mostertiger16 message for invite
Need one person to do a fresh hard crota raid that can run sword for crota must be a 32 hunter msg for invite
Need one or two for Crota cp on normal, must have gallarhorn, message TwilightSpkl for invite
Message for normal Crota cp Gt: by router
If anyone wants to do Crota hard cp reply to this message saying class lvl and launcher do not send a message to my xbox
Edited by KSeeker5: 4/27/2015 1:05:26 AMCrota's End hard Crota checkpoint Need 2 people 32 only Message gamertag above for invite
Conflux cp hard mode message gt: Cnok26 for invite
Anyone running Crota hard cp? Pick me up 32 hunter with max gally Gt prophetonyou
Need Fireteam Lv. 31 titan No mic, will party, no cussing. Have a variety of weapons. Have Ice breaker, Atheon epilogue, Final rest 2, and truth/corrective measures, have more guns than that too. Full raid Message xbl @ FixingEight92
3 lvl 32s looking to do fresh crota on hard. Send an msg or invite to gamertag above. Happy raiding all.
Need 5 Crota hard cp 32 gt same and sowed
Hard Crotoa Deathsinger CP, looking for three players. Message The Dorky Dingo
Anyone mind carrying a level 28 trough CE
Crota normal Deathsinger checkpoint Need 4 people Gt is NoMore6oodNames
Edited by Licks-Doorhandles: 4/27/2015 12:38:09 AM
Crota hard deathsinger cp. Lvl32 only gally or hunger only msg me for inv. 2 spots left
Crota hard Crota CP 32 only Gallarhorn Message OrangeTitan7 with level and class for invite
Looking for two level 31's+ for Crota fresh. Swordbearer would be helpful,Message xx lil daygo or weeshock34