[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Hard mode final checkpoint 4 guys GT: acerman20
Need a sword bearer for caritas bed normal. Gt same as above message me for invite
Recruiting for trials of Osiris. It will be a competitive multiplayer mode. Message me if you want to join team of 50 people to make sure we get all the gear Top 50 will be on the team to compete in the competitive multiplayer mode for the best of the best see you guardians Out on The battlefield
I need help killing Xyor the Unwed. Must be level 30 or up. Message SuS Paradox for invite.
Hosting Crota hard cp. Must be 32 and have experience. Need 3. Message PinkSum37346503 for invite. Need swordbearer
Hard Crota cp need 3 more people with ghorn or HOW. Msg for inv gt same as above
Hosting Crota hard cp. Must be 32 and have experience. Need 3. Message PinkSum37346503 for invite.
Crota cp normal node need 4 msg masterapple321
4 open spots for fresh hard crota gt: bmac625
Recruiting 2 for death singers cp hard. Got an expert swordbearer already Level 31+ maxed hunger or gjallarhorn only please Gamer tag is same as above message me for an invite
Need 4 32s for bridge cp on hard Need at least 2 Titans Must have tracking rockets Must have exp Must have mic Gt same as above msg for inv
Crota hard cp 32 only Maxed galli Gt same
Crota cp need 4 31+ hard
32 hunter looking to do fresh run
Crota hard last checkpoint 31/32 only (31's can only join if very experienced) Message GT above
I have a hard ir yut checkpoint looking for a group of 32s to help. Message me for invite
Looking for 2 31+ for vanguard roc and crucible. Message merlinn18 for invite.
Nightfall 30+ Gt is same
32 titan lf hard crota - cornpastie
Need 3 32s, experienced, maxed ghorn or HOC, crota hard cp, message gt for invite
Need 2 for crota hard. Msg for inv. 32 only
Looking for 3 to do crota hard checkpoint must be lvl32 GT is the same
Need 3 32's with max Hoc / Ghorn for hard crota cp
Hosting crota hard crota cp Gt same as above Msg for invite
Death singer cp 33 gt same message for inv
31+ Gatekeeper cp Msg gt as above