[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Recruiting for trials of Osiris. It will be a competitive multiplayer mode. Message me if you want to join team of 50 people to make sure we get all the gear Top 50 will be on the team to compete in the competitive multiplayer mode for the best of the best see you guardians Out on The battlefield
Hi guys I started a clan a while back and wanted to post in here to let people know about us. We are a 200 member strong clan named 'Guardians Guidance', and although primarily are xbox 360 players, have players from all platforms. Anyway, I wanted to create a post in regards to the 'House Of Wolves', and help in getting prepared for it. We, at Guardians Guidance, are all about helping people and want to do all we can to help fellow guardians get ready for what's to come. Do you need help with raids? Nightfalls? Bounties? Crucible? Levelling up characters? Advice? We have some extremely experienced guardians in the group who can provide a wealth of experience and knowledge. Hitting level (32), prior to HoW release is a good idea and we're happy to help you get there. Leave a response on here and perhaps a time, and/or date and we can get something arranged. Alternatively, if you're interested in joining, you can do so here; https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/forum/693366 We look forward to hearing from you! Thanks Trek
I'm doing Crota fresh start today I have a mic and I'm a level 30 Titan my gamer tag in nateman45
Level 31 warlock who has hard crota cp Need help Gt same as above msg for invite
Need a lvl 32 swordbearer for crota go normal msg anthony0711
Lvl 32 Titan need 1 for [b]VOG Atheon cp.[/b] Msg Spidey ARC for an invite.
Crota normal Crota cp message for invite
Need 2 for normal deathsinger
Need people for crota end cp
Fresh hard crota 31+ message for inv
Need a swordbearer normal crota message for invitw
Need 2 people's for fresh vog hard lv30+
If anyone is gonna like solo normal and wouldn't mind a lvl 30 hunter joining that would be great message me if I can join brod658
Need 2 level 31 for normal crota with decent rocket. A swordbearer.
Need 2 players for crota fresh normal msg anthony0711 for invite
3 more for oracle cp hard
Normal fresh Crota, gt same as above
Need 3 for crotas end hard fresh Message same gt^^
Msg Agile Samurai If u need help with Crota raid
Need 4 VoG hard fresh run. Must be level 30+ and must be experienced. Message on Xbox, GT: Ontrix
Need 4 people for Hard VOG Fresh start lvl 31+
Need 4 for Crota normal fresh message on xbox for invite
Lvl 32 hunter experience with the sword msg me GT : pacoima
Doing crota cp on hard 32s only could use a swordbeare must have exp gally or hunger no squeakers or noobs gt same
Need 5 32s for fresh normal Crotas end I am asking for 32s became this is my 3rd character and I need to be carried
Looking for people to Crota 2nd beige CP msg GT for invite 32+