[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Looking for a NORMAL CROTA CP. GT is same as above if you have it.
@ Crota hard need 4.
Need 3 for fresh CE. Gt same.
Looking for 2 people to run 34 prison •must be 34 •must have mic •must have acceptable guns
Crota cp normal message for invite will take anyone
Invite gt above any hard raid
Crota's End at Crota. Must be level 33 and up with a mic. Message me on Xbox Live for an invite, my gamertag is Delta Razor 337.
Fresh normal crota. 32+. Message lasersharks10.
Looking for Crota hard raid. Idc what checkpoint just have to be experienced. MSG me and inv -Titan can be lvl 34 -Very experienced -Can be sword bearer Gt same as above
Need 2 32+ for nightfall message me for inv
Fresh crota normal. 30+. Gt same as above
Hard and normal crota cp msg spod beaver for inv
Need 1 for trails.. Must be experience n lvl 34 n been to the light tower... Message frodoo24 for invite Max thorn is a plus
Looking to go flawless in trails of Osiris I need 2 34s need to have good weapons and be expirenced and have gone flawless before message for invite
crota hard Crota cp need sword bearer 34
Looking to go flawless in trails of Osiris I need 2 34s need to have good weapons and be expirenced and have gone flawless before message for invite
Need 4 for hard bridge cp. Msg for inv gt same
Need 4 for Oracle cp on hard msg Blakmist302 for inv BLAK is how you have to spell it
Need 2 for hard crota cp Need gally or hoc Msg Ozy Monkey
I'm looking for 2 34+ For Trials of Osiris flawless run. You must have the flawless emblem and Be great at sniping. Message merlinn18 for an invite. (Warlocks or Titans Preferred).
Fresh Crota Normal Message 4 invite
Need 4 people msg me
Looking for 4 for hard Crota. Currently at Death singer CP. MSG "Thwek"
CE hard from beginning 33+ Gt same as above
LFG Crota Hard GT: Nolastnames
Looking for any group doing Crota Hard. If you need me im a level 34 hunter with gjally