[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
. - old
I'm bored message me for help with raiding. Level 32 Titan with Gjallarhorn -
Need 3 for Crota cp normal msg for invite we have a swordbearer
[quote]Level 32 Titan looking to do Crota's end on hard message me @ BIrdo Ben[/quote]
Need 4 more people for crota normal cp gt same as above msg for inv
need 4 for vog normal fresh gt deadmau009 msg for inv
Need 3 for normal crota cp 30+
Xbox 360 crotas end hard fresh 4 32 players needed
Crota Hard Checkpoint 32's only HOC or Ghally Message me at SILOAMSLAYTER
Need 4 and a swordbearer for crota hard. Message for invite
Recruiting for trials of Osiris. It will be a competitive multiplayer mode. Message me if you want to join team of 50 people to make sure we get all the gear Top 50 will be on the team to compete in the competitive multiplayer mode for the best of the best see you guardians Out on The battlefield
Need a swordbearer for fresh hard Crota. Message S N O W LM A N.
Need 3 Crotas end.
Need 1 or 2 more for normal crota cp
CROTA SOLO!!! Watch me on twitch. Twitch name: godaddy23
Need two more people for fresh crota run on normal message asap same gt.
I am a normal crota sword bear if anyone needs one message me gt same as above
I need 3 to do fresh hard crota msg me for invite must be 32 gt:^^
Crota hard fresh Need 5 lvl 32s only must have gally or hoc message me with the name of rocket gt same as above
CE on hard, death singer cp, lvl 31+ with ghorn or hunger, need SB message gt above for inv
Hard vog Templar need 5 msg me for inv or comment below gt: same as above
32 hunter swordbearer looking to do Crota cp normal
Fresh hard crotas end need raid team one needs to be swordbearer gamer tag above level 32's only
Need swordbearer for normal Crota. Msg for invite gt same as above
Normal crota sword bear if anyone needs one message me gt same as above
Need 4 for hard atheon cp. 31+. Be experienced
Normal crota sword bear if anyone needs one message me gt same as above