[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
32 hunter sword bear offering to help on normal only
Hard crota cp need 5 plus swrd muwt be 32 with max gally or hoc
31 Titan looking to do CE on HARD fresh start, in orbit now, message me on xbox for invite. GT same as above.
Need 3 for Hard Crota cp Msg for inv GT: same have GOOD rockets
Need 5 for crota cp on 32 titan with Gally GT same
Crota Hard Level 32+ Must have tracking rockets Must have mic Have experience Fresh start GT same as above message me on Xbox Live
Have death singer cp on hard need 5 msg for invite
Looking for 5 to Crota's End normal fresh. Message LAXPete for invite.
Need 1 32 hunter swordbearer for Crota hard cp msg for inv
Hard Crota cp, 32 only, must have decent rocket launcher... Need a hunter sword bearer and defender titans ask Adept Toxic for invite
Need 3+ sword for fresh crota hard. Message in game for invite.
VOG HARD FRESH. Message vA Mark Av for an invite.
Need 3 more for hard vault of glass FRESH! Gt is same as above, message me for an invite.
Edited by balist1c: 4/24/2015 9:51:17 PM2 for crota checkpoint on hard Gt balist1c
Hard mode crota deathsinger checkpoint 32s needed with gjallorhorn 2 titans 1 hunter and and rest warlocks gt same as above msg for invite
Fresh normal crota gamer tag above level 32 only please also need sworbearer
Death singer cp normal, lv 31+, and 32 swordbearer, Xbox 360 msg for inv
Looking to join a hard crota cp. Level 32 Titan (have beaten over 10 times) ME720
Death singer cp normal, lv 31+, and 32 swordbearer, Xbox 360 msg for inv
Need 4 for bridge checkpoint on normal. 31+ Gamertag: Jeffglen
Lvl 31 Titan wants to do Crota on hard... Done it before just gotta get it done this week
Crota hard cp. Need swordbearer only. Message for INV.
Need 3 for crota on hard cp need sword bearer and 31+ message for invite
2 for crota cp hard Gt balist1c
Need 1 for normal crota cp message for invite and needs to be a sword bearer
32 lock, fresh hard Crota gt is the same inv 360