[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
360 looking for help with fresh crota on normal GT same as above
Need a sword bearer
Need team for Hard crota at Crota Checkpoint •must have rockets (Gally, Truth, or Hunger •must have a mic •must be experienced •must be lvl 32
Crota hard fresh 31+ must have mic and tracking rockets gtag above message for inv
Need one more for Crota cp on hard, must be 32 and have gjallarhorn, message Lyra Theory for invite
Need 2 31+ for HARD VOG. We are at CONFLUXES. Message: Phxly
Need 5 ppl for hard death singer 32s only. Mssge TGI ICE for invite. I have a hard death singer on 2 of my 32s and CROTA on another 32 so Mssge if u want to do multiple runs
Need a swordbearer for hard Crota message Lyra Theory for invite
Need 3 for Hard Crota at Crota Checkpoint •must have rocket (Ghorn,Hunger, or Truth) •must be lvl 32 •must have mic •must be experienced •need swordbarrer
32 hunter with max ghorn willing to help anyone with anything Crotas end or VoG gt same as name
Starting fresh Crota end on hard difficulty lvl 31+ Xbox 360 ONLY!! Gamertag: MC Buckweed 17 Send me a message for invite Sword BEARER NEEDED!!
Got 2 need crota a hard bridge checkpoint add redstunnaboi
Crota hard fresh start 32s only! Need Titans and sword barrier
Does anyone need a swordbearer well if you do msg xXFazedMindXx and I will be happy to join. I am a lvl 32 warlock. The only requirement is that you have to be able to bring crota down. If we have a Titan in our fire team it would be nice for the boomer distraction.
Need 3 more for hard crota cp I'm sword bearer 31+ gt same as above
Deathsinger CP hard lvl 31+ need mic msg KryptonicRhino for Invite
Lvl 31 warlock with hoc and gally, looking for a Crota CP on hard or normal. GT same as above
Crota hard fresh start 32s only! Need Titans and a sword barrier
Need 3 for gatekeeper hard vog
Hard Croat bridge cp lv 32 gt is my name
Lvl 32 looking to practice running sword on my titan on normal just want to be able to run on it on all 3 character I will help out with any raid after all character are 32 and have ghorn max gt same as above
Deathsingers cp in game now Need 3 more experienced for normal deathsinger/crota Need a swordbearer Must have ghorn Message proximacent4uri on x360 for invite asap
Need crota checkpoint got 2 people add redstunnaboi
Lvl 31+ Hunter with raid experience and maxed weapons wants to get this Crota's End hard Check point finished. Have CP saved if your team wants to help me get this hammered out or I'm willing to join a team to get it done. GT is eyetek2020 I have a mic also Thanks in advance
Vog normal fresh gt same as above message for invite.
Crota hard cp need 2 message K1LL3R Po1s0n for inv 32+