[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Need one crota cp hard Gt Irish misfit Got sword bearer
VOG normal lets get it done then we can jump to hard mode first come first serve message me same gamertag
Crota normal cp. Need 3 including sword. Msg for invite
Need 1 for crota normal fresh SEND a sms for inv : Kalamiter 59
Need sword bearer Hard crota cp. Msg gt for invite. Gt Epikpwner852
Need 3 players for crota normal fresh msg anthony0711
Lvl 32 with maxed gjhorn looking for fresh Crota hard game got same as above
Need 3 for vog hard gatekeeper cp Gt Irish misfit
Looking for crota norm fresh gt CrispyxDefile lvl 31 warlock
I need someone to solo the first part of Crota on normal. I wanna run my lower account, lv28, through and I just need 2 radiant shards to be lv32 for my other character. Someone please help me :( Message: Icarus eVo for an invite.
Hosting a HARD FRESH VOG. Must be 30+. My mic doesn't work but I can still hear you. MSG UnknownVelm for an inv. XBOX360
Need 3 people for hard Crota cp need a titan and a swordbearer with ghorn and lvl 32 message Johncena30525 for invite
Crota normal fresh message YOUR MP3 PLAYER on Xbox for an invite
[b]NEVRxSTOPxSHOOTING[/b] That's us, We started off small to make sure we only had experienced, skilled members but now for House of Wolves come near we decided to expand. We are active and quick to give support to new members. All new members will be taken through a raid to get Flawless Raider and the Raiding Party achievements. Some minor joining requirements: - 17yr+ - xbox 360 - raid experienced - at least one lvl 31 character - no scrubs ;) If you wanna meet me or an admin before joining feel free to msg me and we can get acquainted over some strikes or somethen.
Crota normal fresh message YOUR MP3 PLAYER on Xbox for an invite
Need 5 for Crota cp normal Message DCJC0725
Need some people for crota hard cp -must have ghorn or HoC -lvl 31+ Gt same as above msg for inv
Need 5 for normal Crota cp 30+ with hoc or jellyhorn message me on XBOX for inv
360 crota hard fresh need 4
Someone send me a invite to crota normal 30+ raid team have crotas word
Have gatekeeper check point on hard. Msg litemup79
Need 5 for death singer normal gt ^
Anyone willing to carry a 29 through the nightfall and weekly message JimJim Gaming for inv
Looking for crota hard for my 31 hunter and Warlock. I have g horn maxed and my hunter has crota cp. RDLBOXBONES
Need a sword bearer? Send me an invite.