[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Hosting crota hard fresh msg for inv need sword barrier
Need a full team of lvl's 27-30 for Crota normal. I will walk you all the way through for the rewards!! So message FORUMreconK2 for an invite. Plz ask for invite on Xbox. I'm not sending invites.
Need 2 more lvl 32 with tracking rockets only if we can find a swordbearer that's great msg for inv
28 hunter very experienced and great guns I transferred from my other 2 lvl 32 characters. I would like help with Crota fresh on normal to get gear and level up. Message for invite of invite me to game.
Looking for CROTAS hard raiders Message GT:Yep Kay Mic Sword barer needed 32+ EXPERIENCED
Crota hard fresh need 5 icluding a swordbearer 32s only gt is the same as above message me for inv. With experience
Crota's end need 4 for Deathsingers on normal, message me for invite
Lvl 30 titan looking for crota norm fresh or any cp gtCrispyxDefile
[b]Crota Hard - Crota CP[/b] GT: Zanderspecies
I have a crota cp on normal message me my gamer tag is Stride Narwhal for an invite.
Need 5 crota fresh hard 31+ w/ tracking (gjallarhorn or hoc preferred)
Lvl30 titan looking for crota norm fresh or any cp Gt CridpyxDefile
Normal crota first I'm running sword, hard crota after I'm running sword must have good rockets plz gt same as above message for inv. We need 2
Level 32 looking to do hard crota. Gt same as above.
Lvl 31 Titan experienced fresh start hard Crota gt tacos4life25
Lvl 32 titan looking for hm crota with ghorn
Have deathsingers cp name same as above need 3
Starting crota fresh normal. Need 5 31+. No Kinderguardians. GT: s0me bLk GuY
Fresh hard crota need 3 32s with tracking rockets msg BondedPath for inv
Hosting Fresh normal crota message in game for inv
32 looking to Swordbear for anyone. Invite "Linkzify".
Need 3 for fresh normal crota. This gt
Need 5 people for fresh VOG hard. Need good players! message I Taaz I on xbox 360 for a inv
Anyone need or want the achievement "Flawless Raider" msg my gametag above if interested
Lvl30 titan looking for crota fresh or any cp