[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Need 4 people that are 33+ to do hard Crota fresh
Need 3 33+ for hard crota co gt above
Hard Crota Fresh. Need 5. Gt is TUBY MOPHO06
Looking for games Poe/nf/weekly/raids gt metalbabyjesus
Crota normal fresh anyones welcome gt same as above
Need one for Poe lvl 34. Must be lvl 33+ with experience. No squeakers!! Message Assassin1005 for invite
Need 2 34 for trials message unimpresedZebra for invite
Looking to join a group to do croata hard fresh. 33 titan maxed gally
Need 3 ppl for hard Crota must have mic must be lvl 32+ message my gt for inv
Lvl 34 waelock with max ghorn and ice breaker looking for hard crota cp or fresh run gt is same as user inv don't ask me for inv
Xbox 360 Bridge cp on normal crota Lvl 32 swordbearer Need 3 more players Lvl 31+ Gt same as above Must have mic
Need one for level 34 PoE(Last Round) if you are a Titan with weapons of light, and maxed 365 gjallarhorn... Gamertag same as username. (HAS DONE IT THIS WEEK)
3 33+ looking for Sword bearer and 2 for crota end HARD FRESH. msg here or xbox for inv. Gt same as above.
Doing crota on hard crota checkpoint Looking for someone with a max gally, message me for an invite GT: same as above
Doing Crota hard fresh. Lvl 33+ Msg for inv. gt same as above.
Need 3 more people for Crota hard cp message KiCkbutt2761 for invite
Need 4 for crota normal fresh. Must have a mic gt same
Doing Crota normal fresh. Need 2 and sword bearer. Msg for inv. gt same as above.
Level 34 sword bearer and 33 warlock with gally need to do hard Croata. Message or invite WayToShabby. We can start from any checkpoint.
CE norm 31+ GT same as above
Need 4 for fresh hard Crota message the gt above or wilwil198
Fresh crota gt same 32+ need 5 including swordbearer
Looking for normal Crota I have experience and max ghorn Gt sicklysnipeshot
Crota Fresh Hard ●need 5 including swordbearer ●need Gally or Hoc ●32+ ●join quick
Looking for normal crota cp or gatekeeper/atheon hard cp. lvl 32 hunter with experience and good weapons. Gt same as above msg me if you need me.
Need 3 more for Crota hard.