[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Need 4 for the crota bridge cp on normal. Gt- D4 slays
Invite my name above lvl 31 warlock with guided rockets
Lvl 33 Titan Looking for Fresh Crota's End Raid on Hard Inv me Gt: Coolyowater99
Need 3 for normal crota cp to carry 30 ,31+ decent rockets
Need 2 more for weekly nightfall msg me to join •must have house of wolves •must be a lvl 32+ •must have good guns
Edited by Sckubert: 5/23/2015 6:57:33 AMNeed 2 for VOG hard atheon cp Experience required Msg on Xbox for inv
Need 3 for fresh normal Crota plus sword bearer message me for inv gt is same
CROTA NORMAL FRESH message disi1274 need 5
Need 4 more 30+ for Crota normal Msg PyroDragonDraco
Need 3 for Crota normal msg for invite
Need 3 for fresh normal CE.
Vog hard 31+ MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE NO NOOBS atheon cp no mic needed but would be recommended
Lvl 34 swordbearer available. Invite me in your game :) i can kill hard crota with 2 swords. I have a mic
Need 5 for crota on hard message aAawarrior76 for inv 32+
Need swordbearer for crota check point. Hard Xbox one. Message gamertag above for Invite.
Xbox360 Crota hard cp message unimpresedZebra for invite 32+ need Swordbearer
Level 34 sword bearer -hard only -must have experienced fireteam
Trials of Osiris need 2 33+ message unimpresedZebra
Need 5 normal crota willing to help my friend he is practicing sworbearing Deathsinger cp please be 31+ decent rockets msg rednitemare99
need one lvl 33+ for lvl 34 PoE fresh msg for inv gt same as above
Edited by JettFree112: 5/22/2015 6:54:40 PMLooking to do Crota, VOG or POE. I'm a 32 Hunter (Gally) with a friend she has a 32 Warlock. Message if want us to join you. Xbox 360 Jettfree112 or Wildesttrout1
32 hunter with experience looking for VoG on hard. Can be fresh or any cp, but preferably gatekeeper or Atheon. Msg me if you need me. Gt same as above.
Need 3 people for Crotas end. Gonna do it on normal and hard. Fresh on both.
33 titan looking to join what ever fresh only gt same as above
Crota fresh on normal gt same as above
We have a Crota normal cp. need swordbear. 30+. Gt is same as above msg for invite.