[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Corta hard fresh. Need 4
CE hard fresh lvl 32+ GT is same as above
Lvl 34 warlock with max out Gjallahorn and mic looking for a a group to run Crota hard fresh. Must have mic, experience and be lvl 33 or above. So if you are interested add me. GT: THEGUYILOSTTO Xbox 360
Need 2 for normal crota fresh. Msg inf1nity shotz for inv. Must be experienced at least
Need two more for crotas end normal GT: same as above for an invite Must have a tracking rocket launcher
Need group for fresh normal crota
Need a group (including swordbearer) for NORMAL CROTA CP!! Gt is same as above, message me for an invite.
I need 1 for hard crota cp message ohaykay for inv
looking for a fresh vog. inv stngrey
Looking for 5 people for fresh crota hard raid. 32+ I am sword bearer
**CROATA CHALLENGE**~ lvl 33+ Crota normal fresh, challenge is snipers only, primary must be no land beyond and secondary can be any sniper of your choice, or if u would like u can use shot guns only, message gt above for inv
Doing fresh start Crota hard need 3 three people MSG on Xbox for INV GT same as above Looking for LVL 32+ want to do this quick and easy
Need people for 32 Arena
Need 5 for Crota Hard CP **Must have a mic** Message lasersharks10
Need a normal Crota checkpoint!! GT is same as above, message me if you have it!
Need sword barrier for hard message me same gt please have a mic
Fresh normal crota's end. Message lasersharks10.
Need a few for normal crota cp GT above
Crota hard fresh message me for invite gt same as name
Level 34 Titan looking for normal Crota Not a swordbearer Gt same as above
We need one Sword Bearer for Hard Crota at Crota checkpoint. Message DrElectriMayhem for invite.
lvl 34 Titan looking to do the nightfall... I wanna get this done fast so higher level is preferred
At crota cp need 5 34's msg me for inv
Need three for hard Crota fresh. Message SpiffiestFaun76 for invite
Looking for 2 people to run Nightfall •must be lvl 32+ •must have reasonable guns
Looking for anyone that HAS a NORMAL CROTA Checkpoint. If you do, message the GT above.