[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Crota hard. 2nd bride Msg dreadmachine17 for invite.
Last Checkpoint for crota hard ( I am doing this with a lvl 30 warlock but I have gjallarhorn maxed ) GT is the same
Level 32 swordbearer hunter if u need one I'm the guy but no kids and must how at least 2 ghorn hard only Crota cp too and I have two people with me
Need people for hard Atheon 30+
L31 titan looking to join a group doing crota's end on hard more. Gt same as above
Last Checkpoint for crota hard ( I am doing this with a lvl 30 warlock but I have gjallarhorn ) GT is the same
Need 3 plus sword at crota normal GT same
Need people for Crota message me for invite
Need sword bearer for crota hard at crota
Crota hard checkpoint must be lvl 32 with a good mic message Retro Affect for invite
Need 4 more for hard crota cp 31+ with tracking rocket
Hosting Deathsinger cp on hard. Only lvl 32's with experience & with gjally or hunger. Msg for inv.
Last Checkpoint for crota hard ( I am doing this with a lvl 30 warlock ) GT is the same
Need 5 Crota hard bridge checkpoint 31+ msg for inv
Normal VoG Raid Ask "Goof Shadow" for invite Say Why you need a invite and at the end of your message say "GIPPY" for invite
Fresh crota hard 31+ gt same as above. Need 2 more
I'm a Swordbearer who needs four for fresh Crota hard. Message The 4g for invite.
Need 2 ppl for hard crota cp must be 32 with maxed Ghorn and icebreaker msg get above for inv
Crota hard cp Need swordbearer Gt: d3m0n1cxl3g3nd
Crota Checkpoint on Hard. Experienced 32s only and Need a swordbearer. Gt above
doing crotas end on hard, crota checkpoint. must be 32 to join, need a good sword bearer. message A55A55IN05
Looking for a hard gatekeeper cp
Need 3 for normal crota fresh!, I'm swordbearer just have a tracking rocking!, message me for an inv, gt is same as above
Have Crota hard cp. need 4. Need an experienced swordbearer. Gt same as above. Msg for invite. 32s with good rockets.
Looking for 4 including swordbear for Crotas end crota cp Must be level 32 Gt same as above