[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
---------------------------------------------------Looking to do Crota's End?
Well lucky for you you'r in the right place!
Looking for 4 including swordbear for Crotas end crota cp Must be level 32 Gt same as above
Crota CP Hard Need 5 Need Swordbearer Message your Level and Role
Need 3 for normal crota fresh!, I'm swordbearer just have a tracking rocking!, message me for an inv, gt is same as above
32 hunter or warlock for hard crota cp. Have ghorn, dont swordbear
Have atheon hard Vog. Need 5. Mics required. 30+. Msg me gt same as above.
Anybody have an open space for Hard Crota? I'm a lvl 32 Hunter with Gally but I don't run sword. GT: MrRamper
Hosting CROTA cp hard need gally and 32. Need 5. Msg gt(above) for invite
Hard crota Final checkpoint Must be 32 with a cluster rocket Msg for invite gt same NEED SWORDBEARER
Lvl 32 Titan with maxed gally looking to join Crota cp on hard
Level 32 hunter swordbearer willing to help anyone on crota hard message Lvl 69 Greninja for help
Do you have a level 27, 28, 29 or better and need normal crota well here is you chance I'm taking a full fireteam of 27,28,and 29 through all of normal crota so send me a message if you need the help you can get from me Gt is SingedPancakes
need 5 more for hard crota fresh gt same as name 32 only
CE fresh Normal -level 31+ -same GT as above -cheesing the bridge
Lvl 32 Titan looking for fresh hard crota Gt davehoff
Doing a hard Crota's end raid fresh run lvl 31+. Msg for inv gt same as above
Need te for fresh croat normal Lvl 29 + Msg me for invite Gt same as above
Edited by TrapGodSkywalker: 5/9/2015 4:17:58 PMneed 2 people for Crota hard need Titan for bubble
Need five more people for Crota fresh on normal 30+ please
Level 31 Hunter looking to JOIN a CE raid at any CP on NORMAL. INVITE oxO Vision Oxo on XBL.
Need 4 Last checkpoint in Vog.
31 Titan. Max word icebreaker and hunger. Need 3 for deathsinger normal including sword. Gt jordan51591. Message for invite
Edited by CharredUnicorn0: 5/9/2015 3:50:23 PMHosting hard crota at CROTA cp. 32 preferred. Gt: same as above
Hosting fresh VoG run on hard. Message Paralision claw for an invite.
----------CE fresh Normal -level 31+ -same GT as above -cheesing the bridge-----
Looking for fresh hard crotas end 32 hunter GT: prophetonyou
----------CE fresh Normal -level 31+ -same GT as above -cheesing the bridge-----