[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
looking for a VOG fireteam?
Well your in luck!
Hard vog need two more message Gunlovin for invite
Vog hard oracle cp 31+ experienced need 5 gt above message for inv
VOG Hard fresh. Need 4 more. Ask for inv. 33+ need decent weapons also.
Have 3 for VoG on Hard Must be 30+ and know what you are doing, message me at GT above
Vault of Glass on hard. Must be level 30 or higher and have a mic. Message me on Xbox Live for an invite, my gamertag is Delta Razor 337.
Need 4 lvl 34's with max Gally to do vog fresh normal and hard msg gt same as above for invite
Still need one more for VOG hard. At oracles. Msg lv and class for invite. GT the same. Message on xbox, i will not respond to messages here
Hosting an all day raid party for as long as I can. Doing VOG and CE, Normal and Hard. Need 5 people. Message above GT or reply for invite.
Need 3 for fresh HARD VoG. Msg for invite
Need people for VOG hard. Gt: bossbryan11
Doing vog hard at atheon. MSG DOME RipTide for an invite if you are lvl 32+
Level 34 warlock with gjallahorn looking to do any raid on normal or hard I prefer a cp message me to invite gt same as above
Fresh crota gt crimsonpharaoh I don't really care what level you are
Need 3 for fresh HARD. Msg for invite
Atheon hard co. MSG DOME RipTide for INV
Fresh hard crota gt crimsonpharaoh
Need 4 for fresh hard, msg for invite
Fresh Crota hard. Need 3 msg for inv
Need 2 for ToO 34 only must have gone 9-0 before get is same as above
Vog normal run need 4 message for invite gt same as name 360
Atheon hard Checkpoint msg Duadcor for inv 30 +
Looking for 3 more for vog normal. Gt same as display message for invite.
Vog hard atheon cp. need 4 MSG same gt for inv
Vog hard cp kill the templer ask for invite
Need 5 for vog hard 30+ name same as gt
Lvl 34 titan with ghorn looking for 4 to do normal crota fresh gt same as above