[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
looking for a VOG fireteam?
Well your in luck!
Lv 34 with max ghorn looking for hard atheon or gatekeeper checkpoint Invite blackstar3389
Looking for a fire team of guardians willing to do normal VoG. I am willing to take first time raiders and others who are inexperienced. My gamer tag is Stride Narwhal
Need fireteam for atheon cp normal Ask for invite Same gt Xbox360
31+ with icebreaker of Gally maxed! Need a titan gt same
Looking for 4 more for hard vog fresh lvl 32+ /w mic & experience Gt same as above
RAID: VOG Difficult : hard mode Checkpoint: fresh My character : lvl 34 warlock sun singer with maxed out hunger of corta Gt: damarava System: Xbox 360 I need players for a raid pls . Also you have to be or have 32 + with Gally horns. You would need a mic as well.
Looking for fresh normal VOG invite Ah Ticab if you need help I'm a 34 titan
Need 5 for normal vog msg for inv
33.5 hunter with gjally looking for 34 poe gt jamboothy
34 warlock LFG for VoG norm/hard, name same as above
Need 1 for fresh Vault of Glass hard. Must be 30 or up. Gamertag is same
Looking for a gatekeeper or Atheon check. Send invite.
Need 2 for hard vog fresh run message me for invite gt danyob
VOG hard any level I'm relic holder so we can fly through gt same as above message for invite
RAID: VOG Difficult : hard mode Checkpoint: fresh My character : lvl 34 warlock sun singer with maxed out hunger of corta Gt: damarava System: Xbox 360 I need players for a raid pls . Also you have to be or have 32 + with Gally horns. You would need a mic as well.
Vog hard gatekeeper cp. 32+. Know what to do gt is same as above
Vog hard fresh need 5 Gt same as above
Need 3 for for vault of glass fresh on hard must be 32 or higher
Normal vog gatekeeper cp msg for inv gt same must be level 30+
looking for 5, 31+ fresh run VOG Hard gt P1nH3adB0b
need 3 FOR VOG NORMAL GT lebabineux
I need 4 more people to do vog on normal from start!! Message for inv same name
need 5 for crota normal fresh
Need 5 Vog normal 30+ serious gamer only no mic needed gamertag Lebabineux
32 Titan. Crota Hard! Fresh or if someone has Deathsinger CP! Call me! GT: Lt Colonel Boo
Need 5 people for vog easy and hard Level 30 or ^ I am level 33 on this char 32 on my other. You should know what you are doing. Xbox 360 Gamertag:Same