[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
looking for a VOG fireteam?
Well your in luck!
Need 4 for hard vog fresh. Gt same as above
Looking to run through normal VOG to help a low level friend, no kids! Just chill people looking to have a good time Message BA Aspartan120 for invite EDIT: we will be getting high while teabagging and killing everything
fresh vault of glass hard need 5 more 30+ gt same as above
Need 2 34s for poe 35. Gt : sirkllimmag message me for invite. At skolas
31 hunter VoG invite me, stafe hp
Starting FRESH VoG Hard run. I am looking for 2 Warlocks 2 Titans and 1 Hunter to join me Everyone must know all mechanics of the fights, be a team player don't die for stupid reasons. Please only mature Guardians no children. Send Me message to my tag it is same as my name, in the message please include your lvl and your class and any weapons that will help the raid out. If I don't send you invite that means we are full of that class.
Need 4 for vog normal. Gamertag is same
lvl 34 titan with 365 gally looking for group for vog hard fresh/templar message Peppepower909
Hosting nf
Vog hard fresh, need 5 Gt same as above
looking for 5 fresh run vog normal gt P1nH3adB0b
Weekly Nightfall Strike Need 2 players 32+ Experienced And Descent Weapons Message GanjaKilla420 x For A Invite
Vault of Glass on hard, Atheon checkpoint. Level 30+ Mic required, no kinect. Message me on Xbox Live for an invite, my Gamertag is Delta Razor 337.
34 warlock maxed weapons invite Zz bruh fresh run
Lf 1 with atheon check point hard
Need 3 for vog
Need 1 more for lvl 32 poe fresh We will speed run thru this Gt : sik i dividual1
/ Crota Hard / Fresh Start / GT: xCreativism Dont leave GT here.
Need 4 for hard VOG fresh run please have expierience with relic msg for invite Gt. same
Send invite to duffball i'm a level 33 with lots of experience VOG of hard
Need 4 hard gatekeeper cp gt same as above, must have mic
I have a hard GK cp. gt is the same. Let's be quick and must have a mic.
Vault of Glass on hard, Conflux checkpoint. Level 30+ Mic required, no kinect. Message me on Xbox Live for an invite, my Gamertag is Delta Razor 337.