[b]Link to Hard and Normal Raid Finder[/b]:
looking for a VOG fireteam?
Well your in luck!
Xbox 360 Vog norm AT cp Level 30+ exp 5 slots Mag thekoolmanthe 4 invite
Need 4 for Hard vault Hunger or gally 33+ ONLY gt same as ^ Gatekeeper
Need 4 for Hard vault Hunger or gally 33+ ONLY gt same as ^
Need guardians for normal Crota get is itsyabo11 message for inv
Vog hard fresh run msg IISWooPII
Doing VoG normal at Templar checkpoint xbox360 message neededsphere196
Need two guys to do the vog in hard my gamertag is Simon Olivier
VOG hard templar, need 5 GT: SuP3Rx STR1K3r
Vog hard lvl 32+ Gt same as abive
Need 3 for oracles cp hard
Vog hard lvl 32+ Gt same as abive
Need five guys to do the vog in hard in atheon kill part my gamertag is Simon Olivier
Need 5 fresh vog normal msg for invite
VoG gatekeeper cp get same as above message for invt
Need 4 lvl 32+ for fresh VOG hard msg for inv
(XBOX 360) -IM UP FOR BOTH OF THE FOLLOWING- Prison of Elders (34/35 only) ,Vault of Glass (hard only) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the Vault of Glass: -Must be a fresh run- Im a level 34 Worlock with tons of experienced and maxed out+ ascended exotics. I have a mic and im a very skilled relic user (preferred role) I require my team mates to be level 32+ period. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the Prison of Elders: 34/35 only, I require team mates for 34 to be level 33+ (if you have another 34, and you yourself are 32, im willing to carry you) For level 35, you MUST be level 34, no acceptions. You MUST have a mic and maxed Ghorn, +other exotics. For 34's, i really prefer to farm them so im willing to do more than 1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I DO NOT have Expansion pack 1, meaning i DO NOT have things like the Black Hammer. My Gamertag is -Pyromancer tK- Message me saying what specifically you are inviting me for including the level.
hard VoG at conflux checkpoint need 3 msg LIKE A B0SS 487 for invite (B0SS uses a zero instead of an o)
Xbox 360 treasure key farming. Gt same as above
Level 34 hunter looking for team to do vog level 30 ik I'm high but I wanna do it gt Kage Kitsune1
looking for 5, 32+ must have good rockets and looking for swordbearer deathsinger cp gt P1nH3adB0b
fresh hard crota need 4 people and a swordbearer mssg for inv
Need 5 hard VOG carrying lv 30 he knows what he's doing 31+ conflux cp
Need 5 hard VOG carrying lv 30 he knows what he's doing 31+ conflux cp
Need 3 for fresh normal run gt same as above
Need 5 for templar hard cp. Must have exp and be 30+
Fresh VoG hard. Need 4.